A Romería ( pilgrimage ) is based on recreating one of the most pure and popular festivities in our region.
Guests will be able to ride, charrés ( horses carriages typical of the andalusian countryside), carriages , guests will take part of the pilgrimage among many other people that will sing and dance along the whole way.
What is a Rengue? A “rengue” is a stop on the way to enjoy drinks and the several tipical dishes of the area. You will enjoy several “rengues” during the tour and at the last one, there will take place the final party con different shows,mainly flamenco shows.
What kind of activities can we plan between one Rengue and the next one?

Activities will be planned to use cameras or videocameras and our guests will be able to take part in a competition. Subject matters of the competition will be agreed in advance.
Activities will also incluye searchs for little treasures ( original tools of the area...simulator of old coins , amphoras, pieces of pottery,etc ). These little treasures will become presents for our guests.
The winners will be assessed by a jury, the members of the jury will be chosen by themselves. The winners may be awarded of a video of the event. It may be enjoyed by your family and friends.
With these kind of activities, we pretend our guests to be more concentrated on the route and their experience will be very amusing, dynamic and friendly.
Clothes will be the same for everybody so that the guests Group may be monitored.
We may also include a song like a hymn ( why not “La Salve Rociera” ?)
Pilgrimage may take place by the seaside, on the mountains, green spaces o Natural Parks of the area.
Our most pretigious pilgrimage is The Green Route path down ( situated between Coripe and Olvera), where we can obtain a wonderful scenery and superb views, where there is a very interesting fauna and where we may enjoy the senses of eyesight ( coulours are simply wonderful! ) , smells, touchs.
We even will make an explanatory demo for blind people to get a better reference of what they will enjoy afterwards during the route itself.